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  Two crumpled receipts:  1 from Costco,1 from Ralph’s, 1 double-sided shopping list, 1 yellow post it note scribbled in blue ink: “Thanks for the loan PT,”  3 pellets of hard dog food & a tablespoonful of sand. This is what I found at the bottom my laundry basket, after I hoisted a heaping double

  A time of reflection. A time to cast the mind forward and the glance backward. A time to reset my intentions and to consider where my intentions have fallen by the wayside. How have my actions missed the mark? I am good with the practical, with the mundane, even with the technical. But relationships…

Active addiction blew my mind. It blew out my nervous system in much the same way as it disconnected me from others, my spirit, and my core. This is a true fact. Whether you have been addicted to a substance or a behavior addiction hijacks your nervous system and can bring real harm to how

Kyczy Hawk RYT E-500 is a yoga instructor and author. She teaches in treatment centers as well as yoga studios in her hometown of San Jose, CA. Her volunteer time includes teaching yoga in Elmwood Women’s Jail and The Recovery Cafe San Jose. She has been a space holder for the internationally known Y12SR (Yoga

    I was on vacation with my family last week. We went to Texas – where it is all country music all the time. I LOVE country music – it is a secret vice of mine. Cruising in a van that could accommodate the seven of us – we were singing to the radio

We can enter recovery early or late in life. We can start yoga when we are young or old. We can also combine the two early or late, in recovery or in age. The very important part of long term recovery and of long term asana (pose) yoga practice are similar- pay attention and adapt.

    September is often a place where ‘fresh starts’ begin. For many of us, it’s a new beginning as the kids go back to school, and for others the simple note of the leaves changing into the beautiful colours of fall, is enough to resonate that another season has come and gone. September also

    September is often a place where ‘fresh starts’ begin. For many of us, it’s a new beginning as the kids go back to school, and for others the simple note of the leaves changing into the beautiful colours of fall, is enough to resonate that another season has come and gone. September also


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Calls to the general helpline will be answered by a paid advertiser of one of our treatment partners.