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**************************** When love tries, Failing to reach your ears, But, wrenching your heart with every word, Remember, That your time is yours and what you make of it That without wings you cannot fly off this hill. That some just know what they need to fulfill And some see it clearer By falling to the

  They say that Warriors fight in faraway countries and distant shores, they are heroes and that is true they protect our freedom and we thank you. Mother Warriors are of a different breed, we have no training or general to take the lead. Our enemy is drugs, addiction, a disease, a despicable one! Our

  Today, I can say with confidence, “I am the Mother”   but my journey did not always look the way it does today.  There was a time when I was very sick with a violent addiction so very lost.  But because of Grace and Mercy I, the prodigal daughter, was allowed to return home. 

The screen is blank. A bottle of Pellegrino on the small bronze table ahead. My feet are propped on a blue and white patterned pouf ottoman. I was in the kitchen a few minutes ago before sitting down. Had every intention to write about control, a topic in my AA meeting this morning. But a

Did you know, art, was amongst the first forms of communication between human kind. You did, Oh, well that is okay then. Art for me, my art, is very much what others see in it, not what I say it is. Anyway, my name is Adrian Scanlon aka NigelDaniel. NigelDaniel is my handle for art

  Imagine living everyday wondering if your child is going to live or die Imagine second guessing every decision you have ever made and always asking why Imagine hugging your child so tight and thinking will he make it through the night Imagine your worst fears for your loved one coming true and when you

I want the public to treat addiction as a disease, and to see all of those afflicted as their brother, or sister, or neighbor. And then I thought, “How does the public see an addict.” “When I was in active addiction, why did people on the streets scoff at me?” So I put all of


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