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I Love Recovery

Addiction Recovery Boosted by Quality Sleep Adequate sleep is of great importance to our overall health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, nearly a third of Americans are affected by sleep-related problems according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While there are numerous lifestyle changes such as those involving diet and exercise that need to be made in order

“No! Are you fucking crazy?  Put that down, right now! You’ll blow us both to kingdom come!” I couldn’t believe what I saw: my husband reaching up to the chandelier above our dining table, oil can in hand, getting ready to pour oil on lighted candles.  I imagined the coming firestorm. How could he be

Yikes! It was the third time this week, and it was still Tuesday. “Dude, you’d better get off the booze.” It didn’t matter where Dishonest John went—it followed him everywhere. Dammit, at least his bowling team was supposed to be on his side, wasn’t it? Sheesh! He pointed at a few nearby barflies in protest.

When you can’t find the words to express how you’re feeling, expressing yourself through a craft has been shown to be highly effective. Over 66% of patients in one study even reported that using art as therapy was associated with significant positive changes in mental health symptoms. While addiction treatment takes shape in many different forms, there

  I sat alone, the silence deafening and asked myself how did my life come to this?, I knew the drink wasn’t working anymore, It didn’t take away the pain like before. It took away my laughter, my creativity and the years, My head told me I didn’t have the strength or courage to live

  Dear wild bird Flying in your cage swiftly from side to side. Going about your pleasant routine, whistling as if you weren’t tied. Dear sweet bird You need to see that the life that you live is contained. That there is so much more and you allow yourself to be restrained. Dear loving bird

Over 8.1 million adults in the U.S. are coping with a substance use disorder. Drug addiction is known to change the way our brain functions and significantly impacts how our body perceives daily pleasures. One of the most common effects of excessive use of drugs like alcohol is the increased levels of inflammatory lipids in the

  I was never totally scum. Not before I started drinking and during my pre-recovery years. I was also not struck wonderful when I found recovery. However, when I share my story you might think that I was perfectly bad in my “before days” and steadily better on the road of “progress” with occasional bouts

In a world of corruption, Hatred and greed; Today we have life, A life we can lead. The disruption has gone, And so has the sorrow; Replaced by a programme We know we must follow. The demons won’t leave By the door marked eviction; It wants us all dead, Because that’s our addiction. So some


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