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“What am I looking for?”….

….I asked myself as I stood before the open refrigerator door. My brain was on multi-tasking steroids, running a thousand thoughts of what I had to do, who I had to talk to and I stood there clueless.

I had arrived at a place I knew I was meant to be, but, “What was I looking for?”

What am I looking for?” This is a resourceful question to ask your brain, especially by saying it aloud.  The brain’s life purpose is to solve the questions/problems. Ask it the right question and it gets to work….

AHHHH LIMES! That’s what I needed from the refrigerator.

My clients are always asking What Am I looking for?  

This bigger all-encompassing life question seems to carry a heavier feeling.

Yearning. Longing.  Maybe frustration and despair.

We are always asking, “What am I looking for?” because as long as we are alive and evolving, we have the potential to grow and expand.

Asking this question ignites the mind to seek an answer.

So how do you solve this riddle?

Follow the impulse of curiosity.

What excites you and draws you in? What do you gravitate toward? What are the books on your shelf? What music makes you dance or sing or cry with resonance? Where do you go that brings you joy?

Begin to discover the themes that recur.

Feed the impulse and heed the whisper

Taking tiny steps toward knowing, honoring and recognizing what you are looking for, leads to momentum, like a sprout bursting through the soil – the critical tipping point from invisible to visible proof –  something is emerging.

Would you criticize a sprouting seedling? saying, “Well you’re not much of anything.”  You delight in seeing the growth and emergence of something tender and developing.

“What are you looking for?”

Delight in your emergence. Look for evidence of it. Nurture and support it as it grows.

Make Believe ~Make Belief Affirmation: I am growing and emerging everyday. I look for and acknowledge my positive growth.

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