They say that Warriors fight in faraway countries and distant shores, they are heroes and that is true they protect our freedom and we thank you. Mother Warriors are of a different breed, we have no training or general to take the lead. Our enemy is drugs, addiction, a disease, a despicable one! Our
In the early stages of sobriety, most recovering addicts are so focused on staying sober and keeping up with the basic necessities of life that they forget about their need to be happy. And for a while this is fine, as establishing and maintaining sobriety can require a person’s entire focus for many months. Eventually,
Today, I can say with confidence, “I am the Mother” but my journey did not always look the way it does today. There was a time when I was very sick with a violent addiction so very lost. But because of Grace and Mercy I, the prodigal daughter, was allowed to return home.
I often wonder how self examination of my behaviors and patterns offered me any real directions in my life. I loved writing in a journal, reflecting and contemplating the mystery of this universe. When I was around the age of 6, I discovered behaviors that helped me get my own way. I pushed with all
When I don’t know what else to do I make chicken soup. I called a girlfriend I hadn’t spoken to in a couple of months. “I have breast cancer,” she said. “This s a bump in the road. I’m having surgery next week. We’ll see what happens.” I hung up digesting the weight of
A beautiful 20 minute meditation from Kyczy Hawk to promote Self-love, Self-care and fulfilling your highest level of truth that is already present deep in our souls. Kyczy delivers the meditation beautifully. Her voice is both calming, encouraging and affirming. Please listen. You will love it!
In the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous, a familiar refrain is that religion is for those who are afraid of Hell and spirituality is for people who have already been there. I am here to tell you that no truer words have been said. Most people who walk through the doors of AA or NA have
It is my experience that we can only be as honest and truthful as the limits of our knowledge and experience allows us to be. Richard Phillips Feynman, an American theoretical physicist said “It is impossible to find an answer which someday will not be found to be wrong.” Oh how many times has this
In my previous posting to this site I outlined the creation of a sexual boundary plan that recovering sex addicts can use as a guide to not only avoiding problem behaviors, but to living a healthy and happy life in sobriety. In this posting I will give a few tips on how to most effectively