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    Thanksgiving is my favorite time of the year. I love that the weather is starting to get cooler. It gets dark a little earlier which gives me warm loving feelings of family and a deep sense Gratitude. It’s a time for me to reflect on how far I’ve come in my life and

  This Saturday, with a little bit of luck, I’ll be celebrating 34 years in Recovery. Very often at this time of year, I start reflecting on things that have happened in my life, and just how I got to this place filled with gratitude. I looked down at my keychain, and there, staring me

Being thorough with our nutrition intake has so many benefits for our wellbeing but it’s one of the hardest changes to make in our lives. We tend to make excuses as to why we can’t do it. Indeed it can be overwhelming to think about especially when our supermarkets are full of foods that tend

      Where were you when I was sitting alone in the parking lot of the motel we called home? Where were you when I picked up that needle and stuck myself with it? Where were you? You knew he had HIV/AIDS. I used to cry and feel so lonely without you there. So

  Recovery is a program of action. We are encouraged to “participate in our own recovery”, to work the twelve steps until they work IN us. Being complete, being exhaustive in our efforts is highly recommended. In the big book of AA we are nearly promised a life free of relapse when we practice the

  Here’s something easy I bet you won’t do. Not that I’m being negative, but invariably when we hear something’s easy, despite wanting something easy, we dismiss it as being too easy and then we don’t do it. Seriously how often have you said, “I wish there was an easy way to lose weight, find

  Have you ever found yourself the recipient or sender of hate mail? Let me back up, Not exactly hate mail spewing vitriolic bullying slander, but a note that is raw Unguarded, accusatory, blaming, needy, demanding or anything else you know will provoke a heated response . Of course there’s a place for honest communication


Who Answers?

Calls to the general helpline will be answered by a paid advertiser of one of our treatment partners.