Snax (or Snacks): A Kyczy Hawk Definition! Healthy Snax I am not talking about raw almonds, roasted garbanzo beans or goji berries:…
What It Really Means to Be Vulnerable “Thank you for your vulnerability, Dr. Marich.” Since coming out unapologetically as a woman in…
ITR x Recovery Unplugged: Recovery in a Pandemic The In The Rooms founders, Ken Pomerance and Ron Tannebaum, met up virtually with Joseph…
Sharing Hope with Colors of Salvation Author Brad Duncan shares his inspirations and experiences writing his most recent book, Colors of…
August Movie of the Month: Coach Jake The Virtual REEL Recovery Film Festival and In The Rooms present the Movie of the…
Understanding (and Taming!) Your Cravings A little ice cream won’t hurt… A cold beer would sure be refreshing… Just a…
Love ‘Em or Leave ‘Em? We didn’t work this hard to achieve the health and wellness we deserve to stay…
Why We’re Recruiting Participants for this Study Why recruit people with alcohol or other drug problems to participate in a study of…
The Seven Chakras: Crown Chakra Kyczy Hawk, facilitator of the weekly Yoga Recovery meeting on In The Rooms, has covered…
Porn as a Super-Stimulant More research is needed before we can fully understand the short-term and long-term impacts of…