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The Christmas and New Year holidays can be a pretty tough time for people in Recovery. Between family issues, past traumas, and the selective recall of missing our old partying lifestyles, people in Recovery face many different challenges during this time of year. On top of that, the added stress of COVID-19 and the lack of face-to-face meetings creates a perfect storm for a potential relapse.

Marathon Video Meetings

To provide more recovery support during the holidays, In The Rooms is hosting online marathon video meetings this week. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) and Life Recovery will all be running marathon meetings. The meetings start at 6:00 AM Eastern on Friday, December 24 and end at 1:00 AM Eastern on Sunday, December 26. Just check the holiday meeting schedule to see all of the available meetings.

These marathon meetings wouldn’t be possible without the trusted servants of these fellowships and the many volunteers who help out. A big thank you to everyone who helps keep these meetings going!

All of us at In The Rooms wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Let’s hope that 2022 will be a much better year for us all!

Stay safe, stay connected, and stay clean and sober!

1 Comment

  1. Holidays have always been special to me since I got sober in 1982. It’s so great that ITR is able to pick up the slack where in-face meetings have had to be postponed. Especially when the whole World has gone crazy. The one thing my life that gives me stability is my meetings. My sobriety, rock & sanity are mine because of AA. Hope everyone stays safe — wear masks, stay home/social distance, wash your hands and be nice to others — and don’t take that first drink, call your sponsor and trust your Higher Power to keep you sober. Hugs for the trudge, Jon M., Raleigh, NC

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