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We’ve spent a lot of time on medically-assisted treatments for opioid addiction. We’ve debunked some of the assumptions about MAT, and we’ve examined some of the science which supports the idea that MAT is gold-standard opioid treatment. Do you feel MAT-literate yet?

You see, we wanted to take it one step further and break down the different medications used in medically-assisted treatment. Tomorrow we’ll have an article about who might benefit most from these medications in a broader context. But for today, here’s our breakdown of how the three most-popular MAT medications work.

First: A Refresher on Opioids

Opioids are natural or synthetic chemicals that interact with nerve cell receptors  to reduce feelings of pain. This class of drugs includes prescription painkillers, synthetic opioids and heroin. Doctors usually provide prescription opioids to treat acute pain (in injury or post-surgery recovery), chronic pain, active-phase cancer treatment, palliative care, and end-of-life care. Many people rely on prescription opioids under medical supervision to help manage their conditions. But others can keep needing prescription opioids after their treatment ends, and so they become dependent on the drugs’ euphoric feeling (the “high”).

This trend of opioid misuse, along with heroin availability, has led to an opioid crisis in the United States. reported that in 2017, more than 72,000 Americans died from drug overdoses, including illicit drugs and prescription opioids, a two-fold increase in a decade. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that synthetic opioid-related deaths (primarily from fentanyl and fentanyl analog drugs) increased the most that year, with 30,000 overdose deaths.

The harm of the opioid crisis is part of why so much time and research has gone into medication-assisted treatments. First up on the list of the three medications approved for treating opioid use: methadone.


Methadone is a long-acting opioid medication that reduces cravings and eases withdrawal symptoms. Many consider it a highly-effective treatment for opioid addiction. Opioid treatment patients usually receive methadone orally or in liquid form in single, daily doses.

Methadone works to block the intense euphoric effects of heroin and other short-acting opioids. It also calms withdrawal symptoms, reduces drug cravings and has “leveling effect” that lessens both highs and lows. All these effects enable people to carry on everyday tasks such as going to work, driving and maintaining relationships. Accordingly, the medication is particularly effective for people with extensive histories of opioid use.

By law, methadone can only be dispensed at certified opioid treatment programs. This regulation demands daily access to a treatment facility for those taking methadone. Despite methadone’s efficacy, patients with pre-existing heart conditions or a history of heart disease should consult their physician before taking methadone, because it can cause or worsen heart problems. Side effects include constipation, impotence, swelling, and sweating.


Next up is buprenorphine, a popular alternative to methadone. It is also taken daily, when patients usually dissolve it under the tongue in tablet or film-form. The difference between buprenorphine and methadone is that, for certain patients, buprenorphine can be taken at home or in doctors’ offices which eliminates the need for daily trips to a treatment facility. However, with at-home treatment programs, there’s also an elevated risk for abuse of at-home treatment regimes. Because of this risk, patients must get approval from their physicians and counselors before taking the medication outside of a treatment facility.

Buprenorphine works similarly to methadone, as it helps to block craving and reduce withdrawal symptoms.

Risk of overdose is overall lower with buprenorphine than with methadone, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). However, there’s still the risk that high dosages may stop a person’s breathing. There’s also a high risk of overdose when combined with benzodiazepines such as Valium, Ativan or Xanax. Most people taking buprenorphine can experience side effects including nausea, headaches and constipation.


Last up? Naltrexone, the medication which blocks the nerve receptors targeted by opioids, reducing cravings and helping people stop using. However, it doesn’t relieve withdrawal symptoms (it’s not a lesser opioid like methadone and buprenorphine). People usually start naltrexone seven to ten days after stopping opioid use, when withdrawal symptoms have passed.

Naltrexone is available in tablet form for daily doses, and also in extended-release injectable form administered every 30 days. The extended-release form of naltrexone has been proven the most effective of the two forms for addiction treatment, and it appeals to people who can detox from opioids but don’t want to go through withdrawal when they stop MAT. It is also a desirable option for people who have a hard time taking pills or making frequent appointments, along with those being treated for alcohol addiction.

Naltrexone best suits patients who can fully detox from their opioid use before they start the medication. There is a high overdose risk if people use opioids to override its blocking effects. The higher risk happens because patients’ tolerance has decreased (due to naltrexone use) over the detox period. Many people experience fewer side effects with Naltrexone than with other MAT medications; however, they may feel soreness where they are injected. Other people can experience nausea, diarrhea or difficulty sleeping.

What Now?

Keep learning about opioid addiction treatments. You can do that by going to SAMHSA and the other sources below, or by visiting In The Rooms today. We have more opioid content, along with online recovery meetings  when you sign up for free!


“Drug Overdose Deaths” – Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Decisions in Recovery: Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder” – SAMHSA

Methadone” – SAMHSA

Buprenorphine” – SAMHSA

What is Buprenorphine?” – Buprenorphine Doctors

Naltrexone” – SAMHSA

“Opioid Use Disorder” – American Psychiatric Association

“Medication-Assisted Treatment Models of Care for Opioid Use Disorder in Primary Care Settings” – Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Photo by Bob Clark from Pexels



  1. Deborah Harrison Reply

    Thank You so much for putting all of this out there. There is a fine line of support for people like me BECAUSE OF THE STIGMA that comes with being in a methadone clinic. I am a MAT cancer and chronic pain patient and I continue to live my life and work and not be in extreme pain while doing it . I am so grateful there is a place for me to get support in the community. Thank You for all of the awareness posts and for letting people know that this IS an OPTION not a lifestyle.

    Thank You

  2. Good evening, a very informative article. It is now very important to know that there are effective modern treatments for opioid dependence. In this article, various medications for treatment, side effects from them and the specific effects of such drugs are described in great detail. It is very important that a person who does not have much knowledge in this area read the article and get acquainted with the basic information about the treatment of opioid dependence. Many thanks to the author of this article!

  3. Beth Nielsen Reply

    Wonderful information in the article here about MAT. I too take methadone for my opiate addiction however I also have chronic back pain due to numerous spinal injuries and osteoporosis. Methadone in a low dose keeps me from using opiates and assists with my chronic pain. I seldom allow my MAT plan to be discussed at meetings as there’s always a few that judge and feel my way of treatment is still “using “. When, in fact, it works for me. I’ve been clean seven years and have become a Recovery Coach myself. Life lived clean is something I’m very proud of and take very seriously. Thank you for your article and thanks to “The Rooms” for all the information and support.

  4. My granddaughter is an addict I need to find a place that can talk with me to help me understand how to know when she is on Heroin or any form of drug. She seems to know I have no clue what she is on and will lie to me repeatedly about a pee test she has failed or when she is moody what is she on. I’m just wanting to find a group I can talk with that will help me understand the addict mentallity . Is there a Zoom group out there for Narcotics anonymous? Or something similar?

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