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It’s Holiday Season at, and we have all the meetings you could ask for!

Marathon meetings have become an annual tradition here at and this year is no different. We’re pleased to announce that we will be having our marathon AA, NA, and ACA meetings once again this year, to help us all stay on track over this Thanksgiving holiday!

It can be a particularly difficult time for many in recovery and for the family of those who are not!  Loneliness, stress, painful memories and financial distress can be some things that we deal with. There are many expectations that come along with this season that are not realistic for a lot of us. However, we have a whole team of volunteers who can make us remember what real Thanksgiving sprit is all about. You could also say that it’s real recovery spirit. Giving up time with their own families to make sure that those who aren’t with theirs, or are finding the whole holiday season overwhelming, have somewhere to turn, is the essence of what we are about here.

Come spend this holiday with us. Where can you find the meetings.

It’s Holiday Season at, and we have all the meetings you could ask for! The Marathon meetings will start at 6:00 AM Eastern on Thursday morning and end at 2:00 AM eastern on Saturday morning. Just visit the meeting schedule here and click on the meeting you’d like to join.

We’re looking forward to welcoming you! Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


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