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In The Rooms will soon address its members’ complaints with a new, improved mobile app.

In 2012, In The Rooms released its first mobile app. But users found it unhelpful – in fact, they still do. On March 22, 2020, user Madison RB wrote, “This app does not work at all,” and she gave it only one star. We don’t blame her or people who were also frustrated. But we will soon respond.

How? With a new, redesigned app, which you can download this April!

We’d like to tell you a few things about the app. That way, you know what to expect, and you’ll know when and where to find it.

Renewed Ease at In The Rooms

In The Rooms first happened because co-founders Kenny Pomerance and Ronald Tannebaum wanted to make continuing addiction recovery more convenient. Traveling, distance or sickness shouldn’t stop anyone from attending a crucial peer recovery meeting.

That’s what In The Rooms does as a website. That’s what In The Rooms originally meant to do as an app. But instead our users found bizarre bizarre technical difficulties, poor meeting connection and unfriendly user experience. Our team redesigned the upcoming app to reestablish the ease of on-the-go addiction recovery.

This redesign means greater ease at every level of the app: a user-friendly interface and access to all In The Rooms content, along with the recovery meetings. If anyone uses our redesigned app for its mobile convenience, they deserve user-friendly ease also. Our team has done its best to renew that ease.

Renewed Reliability at In The Rooms

Our members should count on In The Rooms to deliver two things: addiction recovery tools, and addiction recovery community. That’s why members can rely on the new app to load their mobile recovery meetings properly.

That’s also why the new app will reliably connect to the In The Rooms recovery community. Its features include self-refreshing feeds for your profile, along with chat options to connect to other members. Not to mention, a crucial addition: through the In The Rooms app, you can search for in-person recovery meetings near you. Hopefully, when COVID-19 quarantines can ease up, in-person recovery meetings will open their doors again. Our app can find one for you to attend.

What Can You Do for In The Rooms?

Just make sure to keep your eyes peeled for the new app, which will release April 2020 through the App Store. If you already have our previous app (sorry about that, by the way), you will have to download the newer version (sorry about that also). But our redesign has already been working to meet your needs, and it shouldn’t disappoint you a second time.

And so, if you enjoy this new app more than the older version, leave a positive App Store review. We ask for two reasons: one, positive feedback lets us know what we did right; two, your recommendations can help spread the In The Rooms app to newcomers also.

If someone searches “addiction recovery app” and In The Rooms comes up as one result holding glowing  reviews, that person will likely be better encouraged to try our app. And while we absolutely want to serve our current members, we also want to give the ease of a mobile recovery app to anyone that still needs it.

So pass the word however you can, whether that’s through your social media platforms or through your recovery community (a sponsor or sponsee, for instance). Make sure your peers at our online meetings know about the upcoming app. Help us let our community know that the new app, redesigned to better serve our current and future members, will be coming in the next few weeks!

*An earlier version of this article named the app release date as April 1; that has been revised for the time being and will soon be updated*



  1. The article mentions the app store. Will the new one no longer be available to those of us who use android? Thank you

    • Kevin LaTorre Reply

      The new app will certainly be available for those who use Androids!

  2. THANKU on taking responsibility on improving the website.
    Contacts are of major importance when it comes to achieving recovery.

  3. Neil Montgomery Reply

    I have found the app extremely helpful especially now that in-person meetings are cancelled because of the virus. If it will be better, that’s great, but the In the Rooms app is something I am extremely grateful for these days. My guess is that someone who did not find it helpful may not be using it properly or may need assistance in navigating the app.

  4. Timothy Brannon Reply

    Will there just be an update or will I have to uninstall the app and then download again?

    • Miranda Satterly Reply

      This will be a brand new app, so you’ll need to uninstall the old version and download the new one. Thanks!

  5. Pingback: What is Telehealth for Alcohol Recovery? - ITR

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