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Choose your meals to better support your addiction recovery.

It’s safe to guess that we’ve quit our New Year’s resolutions by now. The heroes among us haven’t, but the rest might as well fess up. But there’s always our nutrition: what are you eating this year?

But it’s not just for your resolution. What are you eating for your ongoing recovery?

Nutrition Impacts Recovery

Last week, we explained that eating well supports both your body and mind during your addiction recovery. Read the article and brush up on the reasons, if you like. The fact that nutrition supports recovery begs the question, which nutritious foods should you be eating?

Two overall notes: eat a balanced diet that includes all the food groups, and make sure to hydrate. Now, here are some specific ideas.


Never forget that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Give your body what it needs, right off the bat. What does it need?

Fruits will always help, especially citrus. Throw in some orange slices or a glass of OJ for their vitamins. So will dairy, like yogurt or milk (which give you strengthening calcium). Mix a handful of nuts, and you’re off to the races for a new day. Also, have some water.


No, you don’t have to keep yourselves always to salads. But leafy greens give your body great nutrients, as do root vegetables like carrots, onions and sweet potatoes. If you’re feeling adventurous, roast any of these and sprinkle them into a good bowl of spinach and lettuce, along with sliced chicken. Oh, and also have some water.


At the end of the day, fill up on the nutrients you haven’t gotten yet. Try pasta, and make sure to mix in meats (chicken of fish, for your daily zinc). Make your sauce a good marinara full of tomatoes, or even a cheese sauce for extra dairy. And, for (I swear) the last time, drink some water also.

So What Now?

We can’t pretend that we’re your nutrition authority. If you’d like to, read up on nutrition in addiction recovery and other nutrition recommendations. See how you can prepare yourself for stronger recovery through mindful eating.

One quick note – nutrition here is a suggestion for holistic recovery. We’re not saying there’s any one way that you should look, or any one outfit you should fit into. Our suggestions mean to help you focus on your recovery with everything you have, including your body and habits. That’s what In The Rooms always means to do.

Visit us today and see how we can serve you, either with online recovery meetings or expert interviews. Why not join our community and get started in recovery?

Photo by Ella Olsson at Pexels


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