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I often wonder how self examination of my behaviors and patterns offered me any real directions in my life. I loved writing in a journal, reflecting and contemplating the mystery of this universe. When I was around the age of 6, I discovered behaviors that helped me get my own way. I pushed with all

  It is my experience that we can only be as honest and truthful as the limits of our knowledge and experience allows us to be. Richard Phillips Feynman, an American theoretical physicist said “It is impossible to find an answer which someday will not be found to be wrong.” Oh how many times has this

  “Parenthood remains the greatest single preserve of the amateur.” Alvin Toffler My daughter is everything to me. Smudge is now ten years old. Being her father has brought meaning to my life. Parenthood is a certain role in an uncertain universe. One of the most wonderful things about my recovery is the transformation of

  Choose freedom. How did I come to that? Why did I choose that as a name for a blog? As a title for what the thoughts are that go through my mind. It’s because a moment of freedom creates so much clarity, confidence & inspiration inside ourselves. This isn’t meant to be professional. Honestly,

    It is my one-year wedding anniversary. Somehow I managed to not only piece myself together and stay sober, but I managed to be an equal to another human being. Another person who accepted my faults, my flaws, and stood with me on this journey. It’s amazing, amazing how Chris stuck with me during

Deep down inside of me, right down the hallway from where I keep my skeletons in the closet, was an old not so well lit room. It had no windows, wreaked of stale beer and cigarette smoke and was probably one of the most inhospitable of places you can find if you ask me. I

I will never forget the first time I heard the phrase Surrender to Win. It was shared at one of the 12 step meetings I attended in early recovery. It’s a very powerful statement….but what does it mean? I give up? I’m a loser? My life is just over? I am a failure? Instead of


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