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Most of my recovery path started behind a keyboard. Clear minded for the first time in longer than I wish to remember, my brain eagerly absorbed all there was to learn about addiction and recovery. Countless hours navigating the latest trends, epidemics and tragedies of the thousands of lives lost from this forbidden curse we call addiction. And just as much time was spent wandering

Have you ever lost someone that you loved very much…..and he/she is still alive? Has one of your loved ones ever completely changed their personality, and thus your relationship is not the same? Do you love someone who you cannot be with, because it will jeopardize your recovery? If you answered, ‘Yes’ to any of

    Early in my recovery I went to an NA Convention and I heard a girl share. “All my life I kept the right ones out and let the wrong ones in.” That was a life changing moment for me that lead to the writing of “Amazing” with Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. After an

  I sat in my car with tear filled eyes, gazing up at the dilapidated old building I lived in wondering, how did I get here? How did I go from enjoying a successful career, living and working in a swanky highrise in downtown Dallas to a shaking shell of the person I once was?

  Photography by Kenny P Huge egos- blinded by greed leading us nowhere Tweeting, texting, mocking normal conversations     Pure White doves flying around carrying olive branches Shot down- silencing peace stifling truth     Confusion breeding pain & panic guns blasting away- Its children- Fear & Ignorance     Compassion communicating Commonsense listening

Am I enabling or helping and what is the difference? This is a question I have been asked by clients many times. It is also a question I have asked myself. We can all think of fact patterns that we would consider enabling. However, sometimes the answer is not so clear. Sometimes the answer is,


Who Answers?

Calls to the general helpline will be answered by a paid advertiser of one of our treatment partners.