Development of a Comprehensive and Dynamic AA Process Model: One Day at a Time The Principal Investigator J. Scott Tonigan, PhD Dr. J. Scott Tonigan, PhD has been continuously…
From Bingeing and Bulimia to COVID Calm As a food addict, my experience in a 12-Step fellowship held the key to finding…
Addiction is……. Finding every available excuse to keep using. Shaky hands and clammy skin. Hiding in your…
What I Have Learned Through Childhood Trauma I will never say that my trauma in childhood was a positive thing. In an…
If Christmas was Hard for You….. ……..then don’t feel bad. It was for me too. This year in particular I’ve found…
Can Moving Home Help Someone With A Substance Use Problem A little over 22 million Americans who strive to recover from a substance use problem do achieve…
Addiction Treatment Success Stories Drug and alcohol addiction is a disease that can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender,…