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Tuesdays at 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM EST
Moderator/Facilitator: David Fawcett PhD, LCSW

About the Meeting:

The Chemsex Video Meeting will provide a weekly forum where individuals can share their experience, strength and hope concerning their recovery from paired drug use and sexual behavior. Many addicts use drugs, particularly stimulants like cocaine and methamphetamine, to affect sexual desire and/or to break through inhibitions. Over time these patterns become fused requiring abstinence not only from the mood-altering substances but from problematic sexual behavior as well. This fusion of drugs and sex results in more cravings and triggers in recovery leading some to become hopeless that they can ever find recovery. This group is about managing those struggles but mostly it is about hope and the possibility of recovery from chemsex, including strategies for untangling drugs, sex and intimacy.

About the Facilitator:

David Fawcett PhD, LCSW is a social worker and sex therapist specializing in addictive disorders.  He is the author of Lust, Men, and Meth: A Gay Man’s Guide to Sex and Recovery (Healing Path Press 2015) which explores the intersection of gay men, drug use, and high-risk sexual behavior. The book was named “2016 Best Nonfiction Literature” by POZ magazine.  David has been in the AAA fellowship for over 40 years with a sobriety date of May 25, 1979. He is also Vice President for Clinical Programming at Seeking Integrity ( which develops and operates treatment programs for fused drug and sex behaviors (chemsex), sex addiction and porn addiction. His work with crystal meth has led to invited presentations and consultations in France, the Netherlands and the UK. He is the host of a weekly webinar called “Addiction Q&A” and a podcast series called “Sex, Love and Addiction: Healing Conversations for Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Men.” Both are available at no cost at He frequently presents workshops on LGBT health, addiction, HIV, and co-occurring disorders both in the US and internationally and is well-known for his work with persons living with HIV. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the 2018 NALGAP President’s Award. Most recently he co-produced Crystal City, a 90-minute documentary that follows the struggles and successes of eight gay men in recovery from crystal meth in New York and which is currently screening at film festivals in the US and Europe. It is also available for general distribution on Amazon Prime.

Join us on Tuesdays at 8 PM EST!



  1. Is the chemsex online meeting happening currently, I tried joining a while back- I wasn’t able to create an account for accessing the meeting and gave up.

  2. I discovered the meeting on Monday and visited on Tuesday. I’m coming back. This is a quality meeting and will help me separate the drug and the sex from one another.

  3. Steve Novak Reply

    I don’t see the link for the teusday night chemsex meeting? How do I find it?

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