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Beloved ITR Family,

First of all, thank you for welcoming me into the powerful, amazing and life-changing ITR family, where we are all here for the same reason – to share, fellowship, heal, grow, and know that we belong. I am so grateful to be a part of a family where anyone suffering, or anyone who’s just ready to enlarge their spiritual life, has a place to go any time of day or night and find relatability, connection and a way to move forward.

Hi, my name is Ester Nicholson, Recovery Specialist, speaker, founder and author of Soul Recovery. I am a woman with 34 years of recovery FROM drugs (cocaine, alcohol, food addiction, and all mind-altering substances, including an addiction to trying to get my man to go to therapy to make ME well, LOL).

However, I found that there was something deeper than recovering from drugs, food, unhealthy relationships, and the like, and that was the rediscovery OF my essential nature of wholeness – the part of me that is worthy, more than enough and deserving of all good.  I found that recovery was actually the reawakening to my authentic self – before it was emotionally and physically beaten and “shamed” out of me.

This discovery came through bridging the gap between the 12 Steps of Recovery and holistic/universal spiritual principles, and other powerful healing techniques and modalities. I call this teaching Soul Recovery – The Roadmap Home.

I am honored, humbled and grateful  for the opportunity to be with you at In The Rooms every Wednesday evening at 9:00 PM EST (starting January 8, 2020) to share with you how to incorporate the Soul Recovery principles and modalities into your own life.

I will be teaching, through talks, workshop and experiential processes, how to heal the “addiction behind the addiction” – those insidious, life-diminishing addictions and patterns that have kept you emotionally stuck and unable to live fully the life that you ABSOLUTELY deserve.

The Soul Recovery teaching is one that speaks not only to those who have faced dependence to drugs or alcohol, but also to anyone who has lost connection with their spiritual “center” and finds themselves experiencing outsized fear, compulsive behavior or a deep sense of unworthiness – a spiritual malady, or as I like to simply put it, a “disconnection from the Soul within.”

My story of addiction and recovery aired in a 30-minute feature presentation on the Oprah Winfrey Network on Super Soul Sunday’s “In Deep Shift”.

I was blown away to see that this powerful work of Soul Recovery clearly touched a nerve for those who are looking for answers to the challenges of dependence-related behaviors and the scourge of addiction.

I look forward to being with you ITR family, and hope and pray that Wednesday evening sessions of Soul Recovery (at 9:00 PM EST!) are a place that you can count on and be inspired by. I hope that I am the teacher at this time in your recovery that supports the breakthrough that you have been longing for and that you deserve.

Peace and blessings,

Ester Nicholson

Founder and author of Soul Recovery

Learn a little more at, or at!

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