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I connected with Trista Hendren in 2015, during the deep self discovery phase of my recovery. Trista is founder and creator of The Girl God series of books, which you ABSOLUTELY, have to check out. In this podcast we talk about the development of the Girl God books, her memoir, Hearts Aren’t Made Of Glass, living with an alcoholic and of course my favourite topic of The Goddess. Trista is originally from Portland in the USA and now lives with her family in Norway.

I’ve been lucky enough to have two pieces of work published in two Anthologies in this series. They are truly beautiful books both in word and illustration. You can purchase all of Tristas books on Amazon  and at her website here




  1. Squirrleyh Reply

    My higher power is God, my God happens to be male, not that gender makes any difference in how he loves all. That is my belief.

  2. Squirrleyh Reply

    I am a metaphysician, who believe that GOD is a loving, caring GOD, who wants nothing but good for all his children and wants nothing more than to help get us all to that point in our life where we are all happy, joyous and free from pain, hurt, bewilderment, etc. He gave us free choice to do with our lives as we want, hoping to get to the point in our lives when we figure out that self-will run riot don’t work and begin to change our ways. That is my belief.

    • Nicola O'Hanlon Reply

      Did you take the time to listen to the podcast or are you just reacting to the title?

  3. Trista Hendren is heroic in her work on behalf of women and girls and the men who love and respect them, as well as in the survival of her own life. I am honored to have been published on her website and in Jesus, Mohammad, and the Goddess.

    Congratulations on this interview, your work, and your recovery, Ms. O’Hanlon.

  4. Trista is a powerhouse. I used to work with her on Oped News. I knew of her work then, and am still in touch with her today. What Trista does in her works is to get past the divides of religions, the battle of the sexes, and left wing vs right wing politics. We need to have an opposition, don’t we? What if all spiritualities reflected like a mirror image in which left mirrors right? What does our dualism (or duelism) get us? Wars? A polluted planet? Alienation from our selves and Nature What is our Nature if not our Self, i.e., our Essence? Trista’s words are goldmines. I disagree with Squirrleyh. I disagree first of all because God, as a noun, a person, is not male nor female. The process of Creation, (Creativity as the verb) is both male and female. For example, you are reading this text. How? Your eyes absorb the light that contains the patterns of what you see and you conceive an image. Your eyes are vulvas while the light functions as sperm. Its by that intercourse that you see my writing and conceive a reaction. Yes, these words are seminal to how you conceive what I am saying and what your feelings are about it. Meanwhile, what you see and what a bumblebee sees are quite different. Thus, there are billions of ways to interpret everything. Is that the reason for our diversity of life? Perhaps everybody, every creature, are God looking upon His-Her Self? Do we as women and men also reflect God. Hey, its hard to believe for many us, isn’t it?

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