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In The Rooms has the potential to be an important tool in your loved one’s recovery.

In The Rooms is a free online recovery tool that offers 130 weekly online meetings for those recovering from alcoholism or drug addiction. The meetings require only an internet connection and a device, and provide support from those in recovery from around the world. But we also have a host of other great features! These include: 

  •  A recovery community 650,000+ members strong: Growing every day, In The Rooms is a place where your loved one can find support and care from those in recovery and have the chance to offer support and care to them too. “ You need a support network. You need someone to call on days when you wake up and you really want to do drugs,” says In The Rooms co-founder Ron Tannebaum.”
  • A vast array of content and information about recovery: From member blogs to daily affirmations to expert content, In The Rooms has the information your loved one needs to continue on your recovery journey.
  • A recovery program database that can find treatment centers near you: If your loved one is looking to dive a bit deeper into their recovery, we’ve selected some of our favorite programs from around the world so that they can choose one close to them or far from home. 

In The Rooms is a great recovery tool for anyone, and can be especially helpful for those in certain circumstances, such as:

  • If  your loved one is traveling or on vacation, In The Rooms is a convenient way for your loved one to continue on their recovery journey and keep you accountable, even if they’re away from your normal recovery program.
  • If there is not a recovery program near your loved one, In The Rooms is an easily accessible recovery resource that can be used anywhere with an internet connection and a device. 
  • If it is difficult for your loved one to be in public, or they are in a living situation where they need to keep your recovery discreet, In The Rooms is a great way for your loved one to surround themselves with the recovery community and find help on their terms. 
  • If your loved one wants to supplement your traditional recovery program, In The Rooms can be used any time of the day at nearly any place, so they can seek recovery in the workplace, the classroom, or from the comfort of their own home. 

If you want to learn more about the advantages of online recovery, check out this series of blogs by William L. White, an Emeritus Senior Research Consultant at Chestnut Health Systems.


1 Comment

  1. Patricia McGonegal Reply

    I’m trying to find and check into online meetings

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