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flowerPhotography by MrClean.

Concrete poetry is a type of poetry that uses some sort of visual presentation to enhance the effect of the poem on the reader. The visual layout of the poem need not necessarily form a picture, although many concrete poems do.





  1. Natalie Boggess-Patterson Reply

    Yes! It’s all about the restoration of spirit and soul, not the flesh. The flesh has no choice but to follow. )O( Love your message, love your lines.

  2. Allison Martinez Reply

    Sorry but concrete poetry most certainly does use the arrangement of words, the visual layout, to create an image, not the suggestion of an image.Not sometimes. If a depiction, say, the shape of a trash can, is not the outcome of the arrangement of words, it is NOT concrete poetry. No judgement here. Just staying true to literary integrity so carelessly disregarded by those who pour dribble onto a page in ten minutes and call it a poem. Allison Martinez

  3. Daniel Cryns Reply

    ______the rabble_this___dribble(drivel?)_
    is offered to,__Too.
    ________Tenderly rendered to___ too, as well.

    So glad you were infected, infested, subjected… Hell – touched – bruised or not.

    Con credo o non con credo, sta es la isola – the island of castaway heart (yes, only ONE – kinda like mercury – a splattered Venus drawn in, sucked in, returned to Herself). Washed ashore, no yes or no.___ Yes?_____ No?

    Hugs, hugs, hugs and kickses. Be, be well, be swell, be whole. Your babble torched me too! It is much depreciated.

    Thanks Daniel. Thanks, Daniel

  4. AnónimoHola tengo una pregunta soy de colombia deseo saber como puedo publicar mi ebook en amazon puesto que como ya dije soy de colombia y vivo alli . Gracias por su colaboracion.

  5. Cassandra or gowithhp Reply

    Daniel I enjoyed reading this so much. I applaud your choice of a picture and the format of the poem. Simply beautiful! I admire your courage to be true to who you are.

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